Posts politics of the idiot

politics of the idiot

i wasn’t following the news for quite sometime as everything happens around is predictable and i would say that you dont need news to tell you whats going on, since you live the news in the streets and in people eyes, thoughts, then again why would you watch something just contributes negatively to your stress and willbeing. some people i noticed that they are addicted to negitivity and this would be the reason why would people follow the news. yet again there is a better way to get the news and i would say the most important source is the street, as it adds some humar to the news telling, with some sense of exaduration regarding what to come and what to expect.

Street news is an interesting source of information not only for the aforementioned reasons but because of the diversity regarding understanding a single event reasoning, background and the analysis how the event is going to be unfold. Coming from street news, I see that there is more honesty and integrity comparing the rigid and dishonest news that you hear or see in the news channels.

Politicians and Idiots : what do I mean by that, in the context of news. Will to start with, you have politicians doing something, news conveys their doing, and idiots receive their doing and start spreading the news sharing or re-sharing the news along with their views or analysis on different social media channels, this is how everything spreads from kim kardashian arse ending with people is dying in some place in the world.

If you ask your self why should I care about that politician did some peace treaty with that politician or this politician went to war against that politician in metaphorical or literal sense. Will the answer is simple, we are following to make sure that politician is fulfilling the needs of the ones who elected him/her or if he/she is fulfilling the commoners needs and hopes. If you are one of those believers sorry my friend you are a big idiot, and this article is about you. But please dont feel offended by the word idiot as it conveys the context of naivety. Also this article is dedicated to all the idiots that decides a nation destiny and mandates blind and total obedience. Those are the other types of idiots that I’m referring to in this article.

You have a nation called Palestine as it can’t be called a country since they don’t have sovereignty, nor a clan as they don’t belong to the same sect, where the people is under the laws of two governments (Israeli one that has the dominance or the upper hand so to speak, and the castrated Palestinian government ruled by the biggest idiot among all Mahmoud Abbas) where the Palestinian government is defending the Israeli government sovereignty at whatever cost, the Palestinian National Authority was established based on Oslo accords between 1993 – 1995 but this government instead of helping rebuilding what remains from Palestine due to (1948, 1967) they started fighting among them for chairs in this fake government and cries different nations laps regarding how they have been victimized to gain more money and support for their own agendas. The definition of such a government in my own dictionary is traitors. Now a days the crying time is done as the Palestinian cause is not something that you can cry about anymore. And using the Palestinian cause as investment is useless as no body cares nor they are willing to give broken bones to the barking dogs, since now every nation is racing each other who would sit in Israeli’s Lap first as the first to come will have the Best Orgasm or I tend to think so.

Now a days people is imprisoned or dying in Palestine due to the fact that they reject both Palestinian and Israeli governments mandates laws and regulations, since both Governments have been founded on the blood and suffering of the Palestinian commoners. How arrogant is to Enter the Aqsa Mousque by radical settlers with the support of the military and do whatever they like assuming that the Palestinians will just welcome them and pray with them during Ramadan, and when people react they git imprisoned or shoot at. And the Palestinian body says “we strongly disagree”, WTF is wrong with this world. Its like me going to a synagogue or Church and start pissing write and left and I expect the people to clap and laugh how funny I was or to discuss how strong is the stream of my piss. And then the Rabai, Patriarch, Priest start reflecting on the theological depth of my piss. And the country that hosts those religious symbols will say out of inferiority we “disagree on the pissing act”

Does that make sense to you as for me it doesn’t, since I know for a fact that all religious symbols should be protected as the religion is the biggest ingredient in human persona of whom who practices, it is how religious person identify them self before their nationalities family or sect, yet in the news you here middle eastern government bodies are racing to Israeli’s lap to have peace and economical treaties, while conveying in the news that they’ve done that because they care about Palestinians and they stopped the Israeli government from doing so and so to the palatinates. Taking into consideration that Israeli government sees in them that they are nothing other than means to end and they will use them and through them and help to shape their replacements. On the other hand the local news for the the gulf area is investing heavily in showing that the people of their countries is the ones that they are asking for this and they just fulfilled what people wants

finally Mr. Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain government bodies I wish you all the joy and fun setting in your master lap being petted and sadistically dehumanized, also I wish for the commoners in those countries that they don’t go along with their governments bodies and have a mind by their own to rationalize whats going on. I forgot to mention something that my Piss have more honesty and purity comparing to all the governments of Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain combined.

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